What is your purpose?  
Your Energy in Motion is about supporting you to bring your purpose into conscious awareness and moving your purpose into real time.

Why choose energy healing?

Energetic bodywork can clear, charge, and balance your human energy field, releasing energetic blocks that can lead to dis-ease and enhances the body’s natural healing capability.

Physical changes throughout the whole body can occur including:
(individual experiences will vary)
- Reducing stress
- Self improvement
- Deepening spiritual connection
- Rediscovering a sense of well-being
- Chakra balancing

What is a Personal Healing Journey?

I believe healing is a personal journey of exploring and deepening one’s knowledge of his/her true self and longings creating one's purpose.  Energy healing can charge, balance and clear the personal energy field supporting your personal healing and transformation which can occur on all levels – spiritual, mental, emotional and/or physical body.  

My approach to personal healing and personal transformation is holistic, focusing on you as a unique, complex, dynamic being of body, emotion, mind and spirit.  I offer to serve as a transformational guide in your self-initiated process of holistic healing and transformation.  I accompany you on your next steps to personal healing, empowerment and enlightenment.